Regen [re-jen], nestled in the Leatherstocking Region, is owned and operated by Kevin J. Yerdon, PLS Regen LLC was established in 1995 as a CAD based independent mapping business working directly with Land Surveying and Engineering professions with the goal of utilizing the latest technology to answer the call for independent digital mapping support. Regen LLC benefits from 32 years experience in Land Surveying. Regen LLC benefits from 8 years experience in Engineering in the Navy Reserve CB. Regen LLC benefits through a degree Architecture and Construction Mngt. with focuses on: Static and strength of materials - building material testing Commercial and residential building components HVAC, plumbing and electrical building components Construction site Mngt. Today, Regen LLC is a steadily growing business specializing in... Land Surveying and Independent Mapping Support with emphasis on reliability and customer service...
Address: Kevin J Yerdon, PLS PO Box 88 Oneonta, NY 13820
Phone: 1-607-432-3646